Aura Weaver
Aura Weaver
Showing You Your Colorful Side

 “Auras are like a signature, each as individual as the person they surround.” -Gina Allan


Don’t let anyone else dull your shine you beautiful rainbow!

-Aura Weaver

The Colors

The Brief Brief

Red: Passionate, self-aware, strong, willful, vital, and courageous

Pink: Loving, caring, self-aware, generous, and cheerful

Magenta: Heart-centered, motivated, grounded, and inspiring; a blend of pink and red auras

Orange: Ambitious, spontaneous, creative, confident, adventurous, and social

Yellow: Optimistic, joyful, confident, enthusiastic, generous, and whimsical

Green: Loving, compassionate, peace-oriented, nurturing, and connected to nature and people

Blue: Expressive, empathic, supportive, intuitive, loyal, trusting, and sensitive

Purple: Intuitive, playful, visionary, nonjudgmental, unconventional, and inspired

White: Inspiring, wise, energized, positive, and protective

The Long of It


Red is the beginning of your journey. Associated with the Root Chakra, red is the base color of our energy centers. Red is also at the base of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, the physiological layer that concerns the basic primal needs for food, sex, and clothing. Red keeps you safe and in your body. When the body is stressed or traumatized, you might dissociate and leave or numb the human experience, but red pulls you back into the body to help keep you present and grounded. When starting a new project, forging a new relationship, or getting to better know yourself, red is the step back before the leap forward. Red prepares you for all the sh*t you need to get done and helps ground you in the present moment. Did you ever notice the use of Red in many fast food restaurant logos? That’s because the psychological effect of Red makes you hungry. So Red gets you grounded, and then gets you going!

Chakra - Root

Planet - Mars

Day - Tuesday

Musical Note - C

Organ System - Skeleton, Legs, Feet

Aura Layer - Etheric (visceral)

Key Words: Grounded, Safety, First Steps


Orange is the color of raw creativity and manifestation. Associated with your Sacral Chakra, where the sex organs are located, it is the literal and figurative place of birth. Orange allows you to create something from nothing - to pull ideas from your imagination and create them on earth. Since Orange exists in the emotional layer, it also carries an energy where negativity can easily get stuck. Do you remember something that happened a long time ago that has a lasting power to instantly make you angry? That is because that emotional memory is stuck in the emotional layer of the aura. 

Chakra - Sacral

Planet - Mercury

Day - Wednesday

Musical Note - D

Organ System - Kidneys, Water, Sex Organs

Aura Layer - Emotional

Key Words: Creativity, Manifestation


Yellow is sunshine, a sunflower blooming, a kid giggling. Yellow brings joy and optimism into the auric field. Because of yellow’s resonance with joy, it also is a powerful ally to abundance. Associated with digestion, Yellow reminds you that happy gut health can help with happy mental health. Yellow is a confident color and one of the most extroverted of the aura colors. 

Chakra - Sun

Planet - Solar Plexus

Day - Sunday

Musical Note - E

Organ System - Digestion, Nervous System

Aura Layer - Mental

Key Words: Joy, Abundance, Health


Green is the love you share with your community and the planet. Green is one of the greatest healers because it connects you back to the earth. A walk in nature can do wonders for your soul, and green works the same way on the aura. Green auras are at such peace because they resonate so closely with love. If you’re experiencing a hard time, surround yourself with Green by eating green foods or bringing a houseplant into your home. 

Chakra - Heart

Planet - Venus

Day - Friday

Musical Note - F

Organ System - Blood, Heart, Breast

Aura Layer - Astral


Pink is the juicy love you give yourself. While green is the love you share with others, pink is all about self-love. Many major religions embrace the concept of Knowing Thyself. Pink is a powerful color for beginning to understand the nuances of being you by showing appreciation for all the aspects of the self. 

Chakra - Heart

Planet - Venus

Day - Friday

Musical Note - F#

Organ System - Blood, Heart, Breast

Aura Layer - Astral


Blue is the color between violet (brain energy) and green (heart energy) on the optical spectrum of visible light. Associated with the Throat Chakra, Blue ties together the power of mind and heart through communication and self-expression. No matter how psychic you might be, you still need to be able to communicate with your inner state through your Throat Chakra. Blue is the color of water, and water always travels in the path of least resistance. Therefore, Blue serves as a reminder to go with the flow. Water also can fill any container, making it a powerful energy for expansion. Like a snail getting a new shell, Blue helps ease a transition into the next version of yourself.  

Chakra - Throat

Planet - Neptune


Musical Note - G

Organ System - Vocal Chords

Aura Layer - Etheric

Key Words: Communication, Expansion


Purple represents eyes-in-the-back-of-the-head kind of energy. The knowing before you know. Have you ever had a skill that you easily picked up? That shows Purple at work. Connected to the unknown and supernatural, Purple allows you to connect to your clairaudience (hearing), clairvoyance (seeing), clairsentience (feeling), and claircognizance (knowing). 

Chakra - Third Eye

Planet - Jupiter

Day - Thursday

Musical Note - A, B

Organ System - Brain

Aura Layer - Celestial

Key Words: Imagination, Clairvoyant


White is the lightning strike. A moment perfectly illuminated before returning to darkness. White allows you to see things for how they are and to separate yourself from the tangle of human emotions. Associated with meditation, white allows for a bird’s-eye view of any situation. While Red is the beginning of the journey, White marks the end. Self-actualization occurs in the energy of Crown Chakra. 

Chakra - Crown

Planet - Moon

Day - Monday

Musical Note

Organ System 

Aura Layer - Ketheric

Key Words: Integration, Humility


Brown is the dirt beneath our feet. Like Red, it is a very grounding color. Standing barefoot in the dirt, even for just 15 minutes a day, has the documented effect of helping heal the body. While Brown can be grounding, it may sometimes show up as confusion and indecision in the aura. Since Brown is a mixture of several colors, it may create uncertainty at times.

Chakra - Root

Planet - Earth

Key Words: Grounding, Confusion


Black is a compressed rainbow that encompasses all color. Black is a powerful color when getting to know yourself. Associated with hibernation, a Black aura marks a time to step back and re-evaluate your life. Black represents the night and reminds you to rest. Choosing to work with Black and stepping into the cave can be powerful. However, if you don’t accept the rest, the body sometimes will take it for you, allowing the shadow aspects of Black to surface. 

Planet - Saturn

Day - Saturday

Key Words: Hibernation


Learn More About Our Aura